HIIT Workout to Get You Ready for Summer
What is HIIT? HIIT, high-intensity interval training, is a form of high-intensity cardiovascular training modality that alternates between short periods of anaerobic exercise with short recovery sections. It is becoming more and more popular due to less time requirement and noticeable effect. You will inevitably experience repeated high-intensity efforts throughout your exercises and your ability to recover and outbreak the next effort can make your muscles stronger. If you’re interested in HIIT but you don’t know how to begin, follow MIER and get ready with us. Beginners interested in HIIT should make sure they feel comfortable with the movements before trying to do them for a set, which can motivate you to do more reps. However, remember do not sacrifice form for more reps or faster execution of the movement. It's always quality before quantity or speed. And it’s important to recognize pain, especially in your joints, which is different from the burning you may feel in ...